Pain relieving injections for conditions such as:
- Osteoarthritis (wear and tear)
- Baker’s cyst (aspiration)
- Bursitis
- Chronic ligament sprain
- Ilio-tibial band friction syndrome (ITB Syndrome)
As part of our clinical service at Excel Physiotherapy and Acupuncture, we offer a highly specialised ultrasound guided injection service allowing fast and easy access to pain relieving injections for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions.
A comprehensive ‘one-stop’ clinic run by clinical specialist physiotherapist Emerson Fernandez offers a full clinical history taking, physical assessment of the problem, ultra-sound imaging diagnosis and injection(s) where deemed necessary. This is followed by a written report.
The ultra sound guided injections offered can be cortico-steroid or hyaluronic acid based in nature. Cortico-steroids are anti-inflammatory and fast acting for pain relief and reduction of local inflammation in tissues. They are primarily used to provide windows of opportunity for appropriate rehabilitation of musculo-skeletal problems. Hyaluronic acid injections help replace the body’s natural joint lubricants lost in the presence of degenerative disease such as osteo-arthritis in joints such as hips and knees.
Joints covered also include the elbow, wrist, hand, fingers, thumb, foot, ankle and toes.
The service is very competitively priced compared to local private hospitals (half of the cost) and is proving a great success. Cortico-steriodal injections start at £250 for one joint which includes the clinical assessment and the ultra-sound diagnosis as well as the injection procedure and a written report. Two joint procedures are available at £400. Cortico-steriodal injections start at £250 for one joint which includes the clinical assessment and the ultra-sound diagnosis as well as the injection procedure and a written report. Two joint procedures are available at £400. Hyaluronic acid injections for osteo-arthritic joints start at £290 fully inclusive as above. In order to book in please go to Https://www.ultrasound-guided-injections.co.uk/patient-consent-form/
Please ensure you book the Upminster clinic as your reference.